Creative Relating: CPD group
Apply now to join this ongoing group in January 2025! 1 place is still available. Please click here for an application form.
The group normally meets online for two part-weekends (January and November) and meets in Edinburgh for three weekends (March, June and September). Members may miss one of these modules without paying. The aim of this structure is to provide sufficient nourishment, support and contact, whilst being practical and accessible to people based around the UK and internationally.
This group offers support for:
deepening your presence and flow
supporting your creativity as a therapist
expanding your relational range
integrating and embodying gestalt theory, and learning from diverse therapeutic modalities and spiritual approaches
further developing your unique therapeutic style
enhancing your embodied relational approach to gestalt therapy
deepening your relationships with group members
being part of a vibrant learning community where there is support to take manageable risks for growth
We include experiential, theoretical, group process and skills-based work according to group need and interest. At times, we work with a range of creative media (e.g. sound, movement, puppets, objects, art materials). We aim to co-create a culture which supports connection, growth and learning, in which group members can bring their learning needs, and receive both support and challenge.
There is a maximum group size of 10. Group members must have completed a core training in gestalt therapy and be working with psychotherapy clients. All group members are asked to commit for a calendar year (attending a minimum of 4 modules) at a time, and new members begin at the first module of each calendar year. All five modules combine to give a total of 42 hours CPD: an online module gives 6 hours CPD, and an 'in-person' module gives 10 hours CPD.
Dates, times and cost for 2025
Dates for 2025: 25 & 26 January (online). 22 & 23 March (Edinburgh). 7 & 8 June (Edinburgh). 6 & 7 September (Edinburgh). 8 & 9 November (online). Dates for 2026 will be confirmed in autumn 2025.
Times online: 9.00 am - 12.30pm each day (including a break). 6 hours CPD per online module.
Times in Edinburgh: 10.00 am - 4.00pm each day (including breaks, and bringing your own food and drink). 10 hours CPD per Edinburgh module.
Cost: For 2025, £905 for all 5 modules. The fee is payable as a single instalment in advance of the first weekend, or in 5 instalments of £181, payable before the start of each module. If you miss one module, the instalment for that module will be refunded; thereafter all payments must be made regardless of attendance.
Venue: Edinburgh modules will be held in the Salisbury Centre, Edinburgh, EH16 5 AB.
To apply to join the group in 2025
Please click here to download an application form and email your completed form to me at
If you would like to discuss the suitability of the group for you, or have any queries, please contact me.
I welcome enquiries to run introductory, diploma-level and postgraduate workshops and training in the UK
and abroad.
I am an experienced, creative freelance trainer. I am skilled at offering training which supports participants
to integrate experiential, theoretical and skills-based learning. I have offered training to experienced and
trainee counsellors and psychotherapists from many modalities, to voluntary sector staff and to other groups.
This has included ten years offering diploma and post=diploma training at Edinburgh Gestalt Institute, as well as providing training workshops at Manchester Gestalt Centre, the PF Counselling Service, and in private practice.
Training enquiries
I have particular interests in the topics of joy, spirituality, presence and shame; I also enjoy teaching most aspects of gestalt psychotherapy including dimensions of therapy shared by all therapeutic modalities.
I aim to offer training that is responsive to participants needs, speaks to people with a range of learning styles, and supports participants to integrate creative experiential approaches with contemporary theory. I mix carefully considered structure with space for emergent process and exploration. I focus on both individual and group level process, to support learning and working at relational depth.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss the possibility of me facilitating training for you or your organisation.
'Spirituality and Relational Presence' 1 day workshop, PF Counselling Service, March 2020
'Call and Response: working relationally with risk of suicide, self-harm and self-destructiveness. 1 day workshop, PF Counselling Service, September and November 2019
'Shame and Connection' 1 day workshop, PF Counselling Service, March and June 2019​​
'Joy in counselling and psychotherapy' 1 day workshop. PF Counselling Service. September and October 2018.
'Creativity in counselling and psychotherapy' 1 day workshop. PF Counselling Service. November 2017, February 2018 and March 2018.
'Playing: possibility, transformation and the unexpected'. 2 day workshop. Edinburgh Gestalt Institute, August 2017.
'Power and connection', 2 day workshop, Edinburgh Gestalt Institute. August 2016.
GPTI annual conference keynote speech 2016: 'Joy and Satisfaction'. Lancaster.
'Holding: working with attachment in therapy'. 2 and 3 day workshops in Manchester and Edinburgh
'Working with trauma'. 2 and 3 day workshops in Manchester and Edinburgh
'The phenomenology of joy: welcoming the light'. 2 day workshop, Edinburgh Gestalt Institute. 2015
'Introduction to gestalt. 1 - 2 day workshops; 2 hour inputs on training courses for various modalities
Public dialogue on psychotherapy and relational working with Clare Hill (process oriented therapist)
Public dialogue on love in the psychotherapeutic relationship with Jim Flowers (person centred counsellor)
Public dialogue on spirituality and psychotherapy with John MacFadyen (core process therapist)
Quarterly accreditation preparation group
Weekly psychotherapy group
Diploma-level gestalt psychotherapy training modules over approx. 10 years, comprising all aspects of the 4-year GPTI core curriculum, and preparing trainees for UKCP registration
Previous events
​These include:
Ongoing CPD group 2-day modules: 'Celtic mythology and gestalt psychotherapy', 'Death and dying', 'Childhood emotional neglect', Attunement and interdependence'. 'Transpersonal supports in psychotherapy'. 'Creative ageing'. 'Alternative sexualities'. 'Working with helplessness: agency, acceptance and surrender'. 'Working psychotherapeutically with autistic people'. 'Ceremony and ritual in psychotherapy'. 'Differentiation'. 'Political difference in psychotherapy'. 'Creative use of imagery'. 'Sexual energy in the therapeutic relationship'. 'Working with self-harm', 'To reach or not to reach', 'Experiment and creativity online', 'Working creatively with sound', 'Gestalt in a time of pandemic', 'Character styles and enduring relational themes', 'Nature and Working Outdoors', 'Working with the Shadow', 'Spirituality and Presence', 'Working with Transference', 'Shame and Connection', 'Presence', 'Support'. 'Field'.
'I beg you, be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books which are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.' Rilke